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Text File  |  1995-12-17  |  10KB  |  1,521 lines

  2. 0
  3. 00
  4. 000
  5. 006
  6. 03
  7. 1
  8. 10
  9. 100
  10. 10th
  11. 11
  12. 110
  13. 11th
  14. 12
  15. 120
  16. 1200
  17. 121
  18. 12230
  19. 12th
  20. 13
  21. 132
  22. 138
  23. 13th
  24. 140
  25. 14th
  26. 15
  27. 15th
  28. 16
  29. 1609
  30. 1642
  31. 165
  32. 1650
  33. 1656
  34. 1660
  35. 1672
  36. 168286
  37. 1698
  38. 16th
  39. 17
  40. 1700
  41. 1700s
  42. 1712
  43. 172
  44. 1743
  45. 176
  46. 1761
  47. 1781
  48. 1786
  49. 1790
  50. 1791
  51. 17th
  52. 18
  53. 1800
  54. 1800s
  55. 1809
  56. 1821
  57. 1822
  58. 1826
  59. 1829
  60. 1830
  61. 1830s
  62. 1831
  63. 1833
  64. 1834
  65. 1837
  66. 1839
  67. 1843
  68. 1844
  69. 1846
  70. 1847
  71. 1848
  72. 1849
  73. 1853
  74. 1854
  75. 1857
  76. 1858
  77. 1860
  78. 1860s
  79. 1861
  80. 1864
  81. 1865
  82. 1866
  83. 1870s
  84. 1874
  85. 1876
  86. 1877
  87. 1878
  88. 1880s
  89. 1881
  90. 1884
  91. 1885
  92. 1886
  93. 1887
  94. 1889
  95. 1890
  96. 1892
  97. 1899
  98. 18th
  99. 19
  100. 1900
  101. 1900s
  102. 1902
  103. 1903
  104. 1906
  105. 1908
  106. 1909
  107. 1912
  108. 1914
  109. 1915
  110. 1918
  111. 1920
  112. 1920s
  113. 1921
  114. 1922
  115. 1923
  116. 1924
  117. 1926
  118. 1928
  119. 1929
  120. 1930
  121. 1930s
  122. 1931
  123. 1932
  124. 1934
  125. 1935
  126. 1936
  127. 1937
  128. 1938
  129. 1939
  130. 1940s
  131. 1941
  132. 1942
  133. 1943
  134. 1944
  135. 1945
  136. 1947
  137. 1950
  138. 1950s
  139. 1952
  140. 1953
  141. 1955
  142. 1956
  143. 1958
  144. 1959
  145. 1960s
  146. 1962
  147. 1967
  148. 1968
  149. 1970
  150. 1970s
  151. 1971
  152. 1974
  153. 1976
  154. 1977
  155. 1979
  156. 1980
  157. 1980s
  158. 1981
  159. 1982
  160. 1983
  161. 1986
  162. 1989
  163. 199
  164. 1990
  165. 1990s
  166. 1991
  167. 19th
  168. 1st
  169. 2
  170. 20
  171. 200
  172. 2000
  173. 20th
  174. 21
  175. 21st
  176. 22
  177. 2200
  178. 2230
  179. 22nd
  180. 24
  181. 25
  182. 250
  183. 2500
  184. 25th
  185. 26th
  186. 270
  187. 27th
  188. 28th
  189. 299
  190. 2nd
  191. 2s
  192. 3
  193. 30
  194. 300
  195. 30th
  196. 316A
  197. 31st
  198. 35
  199. 36
  200. 36515
  201. 37
  202. 371
  203. 38
  204. 3rd
  205. 4
  206. 40
  207. 400
  208. 41
  209. 43
  210. 45
  211. 450
  212. 4500
  213. 475
  214. 4A
  215. 4th
  216. 5
  217. 50
  218. 500
  219. 533
  220. 54
  221. 55
  222. 59
  223. 5th
  224. 6
  225. 600
  226. 6000
  227. 61
  228. 62
  229. 625
  230. 650
  231. 69
  232. 6th
  233. 7
  234. 70
  235. 700
  236. 72
  237. 74
  238. 76
  239. 79
  240. 7th
  241. 8
  242. 80
  243. 800
  244. 85
  245. 8618
  246. 8th
  247. 9
  248. 90
  249. 96
  250. 9th
  251. a
  252. ability
  253. able
  254. aboard
  255. About
  256. above
  257. absence
  258. absolute
  259. absolutely
  260. absorb
  261. absorbent
  262. absorber
  263. absorbs
  264. accelerate
  265. acceleration
  266. accept
  267. acceptable
  268. acceptance
  269. accepted
  270. accepting
  271. Access
  272. accessed
  273. accidentally
  274. accommodate
  275. accommodated
  276. accommodates
  277. accompaniment
  278. accord
  279. according
  280. accordingly
  281. account
  282. accumulated
  283. accuracy
  284. accurate
  285. accurately
  286. accustomed
  287. achieved
  288. achievement
  289. achievements
  290. achieving
  291. acquire
  292. acquired
  293. across
  294. act
  295. acted
  296. action
  297. actions
  298. activate
  299. activated
  300. activates
  301. active
  302. acts
  303. actual
  304. actually
  305. adaptable
  306. adapts
  307. add
  308. added
  309. adding
  310. addition
  311. Additional
  312. additionally
  314. address
  315. addressed
  316. addresses
  317. adds
  318. adequate
  319. adequately
  320. adjust
  321. adjusted
  322. adjustment
  323. adjustments
  324. adjusts
  325. administered
  326. Administration
  327. admit
  328. admits
  329. admitted
  330. admitting
  331. adopt
  332. adopted
  333. adoption
  334. adult
  335. advance
  336. advanced
  337. advancement
  338. advantage
  339. advantageous
  340. advantages
  341. advent
  342. adverse
  343. advisable
  344. affect
  345. affecting
  346. after
  347. again
  348. against
  349. age
  350. agent
  351. agents
  352. Ages
  353. agitating
  354. ago
  355. agreed
  356. aid
  357. algorythm
  358. align
  359. aligned
  360. alike
  361. alive
  362. all
  363. allocates
  364. Alloced
  365. Allow
  366. allowance
  367. allowed
  368. allowing
  369. Allows
  370. almost
  371. along
  372. alpha
  373. alphabetically
  374. already
  375. also
  376. Alter
  377. alteration
  378. alterations
  379. altered
  380. altering
  381. although
  382. altitude
  383. altogether
  384. always
  385. amazing
  386. Amid
  387. Among
  388. amount
  389. amounts
  390. an
  391. and
  392. animals
  393. annual
  394. another
  395. answer
  396. anti
  397. any
  398. anymore
  399. anyone
  400. anything
  401. anytime
  402. anyway
  403. anywhere
  404. Apart
  405. appalling
  406. Apparently
  407. appeal
  408. appear
  409. appearance
  410. appeared
  411. append
  412. appertained
  413. applicable
  414. application
  415. applications
  416. applied
  417. applies
  418. apply
  419. appreciation
  420. approaching
  421. are
  422. area
  423. arises
  424. arm
  425. arose
  426. around
  427. arrange
  428. arranged
  429. arrangement
  430. arrive
  431. arriving
  432. as
  433. ascend
  434. ascended
  435. ascends
  436. Ascii
  437. asked
  438. aspect
  439. assembled
  440. assembles
  441. assembly
  442. assist
  443. assistance
  444. assistants
  445. assisted
  446. assists
  447. assured
  448. assures
  449. astounded
  450. aswell
  451. at
  452. attach
  453. attached
  454. attachment
  455. audience
  456. audio
  457. authorising
  458. authorities
  459. avail
  460. available
  461. average
  462. averted
  463. avoid
  464. avoided
  465. awarded
  466. away
  467. awkward
  468. B
  469. back
  470. backer
  471. backers
  472. background
  473. backwards
  474. bad
  475. badly
  476. bag
  477. baggage
  478. bags
  479. ball
  480. band
  481. bands
  482. bar
  483. barks
  484. bars
  485. BASE
  486. based
  487. bases
  488. basis
  489. basket
  490. batches
  491. be
  492. beads
  493. beans
  494. bears
  495. beat
  496. became
  497. because
  498. become
  499. becomes
  500. becoming
  501. bed
  502. bee
  503. been
  504. before
  505. began
  506. begin
  507. beginning
  508. begins
  509. begun
  510. behind
  511. being
  512. beings
  513. believed
  514. belittle
  515. belonged
  516. belongings
  517. below
  518. belt
  519. belts
  520. bend
  521. beneath
  522. beneficially
  523. benefit
  524. benefits
  525. bequeathed
  526. beside
  527. best
  528. better
  529. bettered
  530. Between
  531. beyond
  532. big
  533. bigger
  534. biggest
  535. bill
  536. bills
  537. bin
  538. black
  539. blank
  540. blend
  541. blew
  542. blinks
  543. blip
  544. body
  545. bombarded
  546. Book
  547. boost
  548. boosted
  549. boosts
  550. bored
  551. boring
  552. born
  553. both
  554. bottle
  555. bottom
  556. bowed
  557. bowl
  558. box
  559. boxes
  560. boy
  561. brace
  562. branch
  563. breaking
  564. breaks
  565. breakthroughs
  566. breast
  567. breath
  568. brilliant
  569. bring
  570. brings
  571. broken
  572. brought
  573. brown
  574. bug
  575. build
  576. built
  577. businesses
  578. but
  579. buttons
  580. by
  581. bypass
  582. C
  583. call
  584. called
  585. caller
  586. callers
  587. calling
  588. calls
  589. calmer
  590. came
  591. can
  592. cancel
  593. canceled
  594. canceling
  595. cannot
  596. cans
  597. Cant
  598. capabilities
  599. capability
  600. capable
  601. captured
  602. career
  603. careful
  604. carefully
  605. carried
  606. carries
  607. carry
  608. carrying
  609. carves
  610. case
  611. cast
  612. casualty
  613. cat
  614. catch
  615. cater
  616. caught
  617. cause
  618. caused
  619. causes
  620. causing
  621. ceases
  622. cent
  623. central
  624. centre
  625. century
  626. certain
  627. certainly
  628. certainty
  629. challenge
  630. chance
  631. Change
  632. changed
  633. changes
  634. changing
  635. chapter
  636. characteristic
  637. characteristics
  638. cheap
  639. cheaper
  640. check
  641. checking
  642. chineese
  643. choice
  644. choices
  645. choosing
  646. chosen
  647. Church
  648. circle
  649. circled
  650. circles
  651. circular
  652. circulate
  653. circulated
  654. circulating
  655. circumstances
  656. claim
  657. clean
  658. cleaned
  659. cleaner
  660. cleaners
  661. cleaning
  662. cleanly
  663. clear
  664. cleared
  665. clearly
  666. click
  667. clicked
  668. clicking
  669. Close
  670. closed
  671. closely
  672. closer
  673. closes
  674. closing
  675. clumsily
  676. clumsy
  677. code
  678. coerced
  679. cold
  680. colleague
  681. collected
  682. colour
  683. combination
  684. combine
  685. combined
  686. combining
  687. come
  688. comes
  689. comfort
  690. comfortable
  691. coming
  692. commands
  693. commenced
  694. commences
  695. Commission
  696. commitment
  697. common
  698. commonly
  699. commonplace
  700. compactly
  701. companies
  702. company
  703. comparable
  704. comparatively
  705. compared
  706. comparison
  707. compile
  708. complete
  709. completed
  710. completely
  711. completes
  712. completing
  713. completion
  714. complex
  715. complexity
  716. complicated
  717. comprise
  718. concealed
  719. concentrate
  720. concept
  721. concluded
  722. concurrently
  723. condensed
  724. condenses
  725. condition
  726. confidence
  727. confirming
  728. confusing
  729. connected
  730. connecting
  731. connection
  732. consecutively
  733. consequential
  734. consequently
  735. considerable
  736. considerably
  737. consideration
  738. considered
  739. considering
  740. consign
  741. consigned
  742. consigns
  743. consist
  744. consisted
  745. consistent
  746. consisting
  747. consists
  748. constant
  749. constituent
  750. constituents
  751. constituted
  752. constitution
  753. consumed
  754. contact
  755. contain
  756. contained
  757. container
  758. containing
  759. contains
  760. contender
  761. contents
  762. context
  763. continent
  764. continents
  765. continue
  766. continued
  767. continues
  768. continuous
  769. continuously
  770. contrivance
  771. control
  772. convenient
  773. conventional
  774. convert
  775. converted
  776. converting
  777. converts
  778. convict
  779. cook
  780. cooked
  781. cooking
  782. COPING
  783. copy
  784. copyright
  785. correct
  786. correction
  787. corrections
  788. correctly
  789. cost
  790. costly
  791. could
  792. count
  793. course
  794. court
  795. create
  796. created
  797. creates
  798. credits
  799. Currency
  800. cut
  801. D
  802. da
  803. DatabaseList
  804. databases
  805. date
  806. Day
  807. DB
  808. dead
  809. deaf
  810. death
  811. Decending
  812. decide
  813. decided
  814. deep
  815. delay
  816. delayed
  817. delete
  818. delimeted
  819. denied
  820. dent
  821. depth
  822. describe
  823. develop
  824. diagonally
  825. dialogue
  826. different
  827. digit
  828. digits
  829. dir
  830. disk
  831. displaying
  832. Ditto
  833. do
  834. does
  835. Dr
  836. dried
  837. drop
  838. due
  839. dull
  840. Duplicate
  841. E
  842. each
  843. earliest
  844. Early
  845. earn
  846. ease
  847. edge
  848. edited
  849. efficiency
  850. effort
  851. eg
  852. eight
  853. eighteen
  854. eighth
  855. eighths
  856. either
  857. else
  858. employed
  859. empty
  860. end
  861. ends
  862. enough
  863. enter
  864. enters
  865. erase
  866. error
  867. errors
  868. ESC
  869. etc
  870. even
  871. event
  872. ever
  873. every
  874. everyday
  875. everything
  876. exact
  877. exist
  878. EXIT
  879. expect
  880. expert
  881. extend
  882. extra
  883. F
  884. F118
  885. fast
  886. final
  887. find
  888. fine
  890. first
  891. fixed
  892. flag
  893. for
  894. free
  895. from
  896. front
  897. G
  898. gain
  899. gained
  900. gains
  901. gap
  902. get
  903. gets
  904. getting
  905. give
  906. given
  907. gives
  908. giving
  909. go
  910. goes
  911. going
  912. gone
  913. good
  914. got
  915. green
  916. grid
  917. H
  918. had
  919. half
  920. halt
  921. handy
  922. hang
  923. hard
  924. harder
  925. has
  926. have
  927. having
  928. He
  929. hear
  930. here
  931. him
  932. himself
  933. His
  934. hit
  935. hits
  936. hold
  937. holding
  938. holds
  939. however
  940. huge
  941. hundred
  942. hundreds
  943. hundredths
  944. I
  945. idea
  946. ideal
  947. ideals
  948. ideas
  949. idle
  950. If
  951. ignore
  952. II
  953. III
  954. impact
  955. in
  956. inks
  957. Inside
  958. instrument
  959. into
  960. is
  961. It
  962. its
  963. itself
  964. J
  965. join
  966. Joined
  967. just
  968. K
  969. keep
  970. kept
  971. L
  972. lack
  973. last
  974. later
  975. latest
  976. lay
  977. less
  978. lessened
  979. lessens
  980. lesser
  981. let
  982. lets
  983. list
  984. listen
  985. listened
  986. lit
  987. live
  988. living
  989. load
  990. long
  991. longer
  992. loose
  993. lose
  994. loses
  995. losing
  996. lost
  997. lot
  998. M
  999. made
  1000. main
  1001. make
  1002. maker
  1003. makes
  1004. making
  1005. many
  1006. massive
  1007. mat
  1008. material
  1009. may
  1010. meal
  1011. means
  1012. meant
  1013. Meanwhile
  1014. meet
  1015. meetings
  1016. meets
  1017. mere
  1018. mix
  1019. modern
  1020. more
  1021. most
  1022. mostly
  1023. move
  1024. must
  1025. near
  1026. nearby
  1027. nearly
  1028. nears
  1029. neatly
  1030. neccessary
  1031. necessary
  1032. necessity
  1033. need
  1034. needed
  1035. needs
  1036. new
  1037. next
  1038. nine
  1039. No
  1040. non
  1041. not
  1042. now
  1043. nowadays
  1044. O
  1045. objective
  1046. of
  1047. off
  1048. offence
  1049. old
  1050. on
  1051. one
  1052. ones
  1053. only
  1054. onto
  1055. open
  1056. opened
  1057. opens
  1058. or
  1059. order
  1060. ordinary
  1061. other
  1062. others
  1063. otherwise
  1064. ought
  1065. our
  1066. out
  1067. outer
  1068. over
  1069. own
  1070. owned
  1071. owners
  1072. P
  1073. pair
  1074. pairs
  1075. part
  1076. pass
  1077. passed
  1078. past
  1079. per
  1080. percent
  1081. play
  1082. popular
  1083. popularity
  1084. popularly
  1085. position
  1086. positioned
  1087. possible
  1088. possibly
  1089. problem
  1090. problems
  1091. pull
  1092. pulled
  1093. pulls
  1094. push
  1095. pushed
  1096. pushes
  1097. pushing
  1098. put
  1099. putting
  1100. Q
  1101. R
  1102. random
  1103. range
  1104. ranges
  1105. Ranging
  1106. rapid
  1107. rapidity
  1108. rapidly
  1109. rarely
  1110. re
  1111. read
  1112. ready
  1113. reduce
  1114. rename
  1115. rental
  1116. repeated
  1117. repeatedly
  1118. repeats
  1119. replace
  1120. replaced
  1121. replacing
  1122. responds
  1123. response
  1124. rest
  1125. rid
  1126. S
  1127. Samm
  1128. sat
  1129. scope
  1130. see
  1131. seeing
  1132. seemingly
  1133. seen
  1134. self
  1135. sell
  1136. selling
  1137. send
  1138. sending
  1139. sends
  1140. sense
  1141. sensing
  1142. sent
  1143. set
  1144. sets
  1145. setting
  1146. seven
  1147. seventh
  1148. Several
  1149. she
  1150. short
  1151. shortened
  1152. Shortly
  1153. size
  1154. sized
  1155. sizes
  1156. small
  1157. smaller
  1158. smallest
  1159. so
  1160. soak
  1161. soaked
  1162. soft
  1163. some
  1164. something
  1165. sometimes
  1166. somewhat
  1167. sorts
  1168. speed
  1169. stage
  1170. start
  1171. started
  1172. stay
  1173. stayed
  1174. stays
  1175. steadily
  1176. steady
  1177. stop
  1178. stopped
  1179. stopping
  1180. stops
  1181. struct
  1182. suit
  1183. suitable
  1184. suited
  1185. systems
  1186. T
  1187. take
  1188. taken
  1189. takes
  1190. taking
  1191. task
  1192. tasks
  1193. taught
  1194. tell
  1195. ten
  1196. tends
  1197. tenth
  1198. term
  1199. tested
  1200. testing
  1201. tests
  1202. than
  1203. thanks
  1204. that
  1205. the
  1206. their
  1207. them
  1208. then
  1209. there
  1210. thereby
  1211. therefore
  1212. these
  1213. they
  1214. thick
  1215. thickener
  1216. thickest
  1217. thickness
  1218. thier
  1219. thin
  1220. thing
  1221. things
  1222. third
  1223. this
  1224. thoroughly
  1225. those
  1226. though
  1227. thought
  1228. thoughts
  1229. thousand
  1230. thousands
  1231. thousandth
  1232. three
  1233. through
  1234. throughout
  1235. Thus
  1236. to
  1237. today
  1238. todays
  1239. together
  1240. toggle
  1241. too
  1242. took
  1243. top
  1244. total
  1245. towards
  1246. trip
  1247. true
  1248. two
  1249. type
  1250. U
  1251. unable
  1252. under
  1253. unit
  1254. United
  1255. until
  1256. Up
  1257. usable
  1258. usage
  1259. use
  1260. used
  1261. useful
  1262. useless
  1263. user
  1264. users
  1265. uses
  1266. using
  1267. usual
  1268. usually
  1269. V
  1270. vacant
  1271. value
  1272. values
  1273. very
  1274. via
  1275. W
  1276. wall
  1277. walled
  1278. walls
  1279. want
  1280. wanted
  1281. wants
  1282. was
  1283. waste
  1284. wasted
  1285. way
  1286. ways
  1287. we
  1288. wealthiest
  1289. welcome
  1290. well
  1291. were
  1292. When
  1293. where
  1294. whereas
  1295. whether
  1296. which
  1297. While
  1298. Who
  1299. whole
  1300. whom
  1301. whose
  1302. why
  1303. wide
  1304. widely
  1305. width
  1306. will
  1307. with
  1308. within
  1309. without
  1310. would
  1311. X
  1312. XV
  1313. Y
  1314. you
  1315. z
  1316. suppliers
  1317. support
  1318. supported
  1319. supporters
  1320. supports
  1321. suppressed
  1322. Supreme
  1323. surrender
  1324. surrendered
  1325. surrounded
  1326. survival
  1327. survived
  1328. surviving
  1329. susceptible
  1330. suspected
  1331. suspended
  1332. suspension
  1333. sustain
  1334. Swedes
  1335. Swedish
  1336. sweet
  1337. swelling
  1338. swept
  1339. swift
  1340. Syrian
  1341. system
  1342. systematically
  1343. Tajik
  1344. talks
  1345. Tamils
  1346. Tanzanian
  1347. targeted
  1348. taro
  1349. Tasman
  1350. tea
  1351. teak
  1352. technical
  1353. technology
  1354. temporal
  1355. Tens
  1356. tension
  1357. tensions
  1358. terms
  1359. terrain
  1360. Terrible
  1361. territorial
  1362. territories
  1363. territory
  1364. terror
  1365. terrorising
  1366. terrorism
  1367. terrorist
  1368. textile
  1369. textiles
  1370. Thais
  1371. thee
  1372. thereafter
  1373. thirds
  1374. thirteenth
  1375. threat
  1376. thriving
  1377. throne
  1378. Tibetan
  1379. Ties
  1380. timber
  1381. time
  1382. times
  1383. tin
  1384. tip
  1385. title
  1386. tourism
  1387. traced
  1388. trade
  1389. traded
  1390. trading
  1391. tradition
  1392. traditional
  1393. Traditionally
  1394. tragedies
  1395. transformation
  1396. transition
  1397. treason
  1398. Treaty
  1399. Treay
  1400. trek
  1401. tremendously
  1402. trend
  1403. trials
  1404. tribal
  1405. tribe
  1406. tribes
  1407. tribesman
  1408. tried
  1409. triggered
  1410. troops
  1411. trouble
  1412. Trucial
  1413. truly
  1414. Trust
  1415. trusteeship
  1416. trying
  1417. Tsar
  1418. Tse
  1419. tung
  1420. Turk
  1421. Turkish
  1422. turn
  1423. TV
  1424. twentieth
  1425. Ubanghi
  1426. ul
  1427. undefeated
  1428. undependence
  1429. undergone
  1430. understanding
  1431. unemployment
  1432. Unfortunately
  1433. unicameral
  1434. unified
  1435. unilateral
  1436. uninhabited
  1437. union
  1438. unique
  1439. unite
  1440. unpopular
  1441. unresolved
  1442. unrest
  1443. unsuccessful
  1444. Upper
  1445. uprising
  1446. Uri
  1447. Uruguayan
  1448. Uzbek
  1449. valley
  1450. valued
  1451. vanilla
  1452. varied
  1453. varieties
  1454. various
  1455. Vasa
  1456. vast
  1457. vegetables
  1458. vehicles
  1459. vested
  1460. vests
  1461. VI
  1462. victorious
  1463. victors
  1464. victory
  1465. Vietnamese
  1466. view
  1467. VII
  1468. VIII
  1469. village
  1470. violence
  1471. visited
  1472. vital
  1473. void
  1474. volatile
  1475. voted
  1476. wage
  1477. waged
  1478. wane
  1479. War
  1480. warfare
  1481. waring
  1482. Wars
  1483. watchmaking
  1484. wealth
  1485. weapons
  1486. Weeks
  1487. welcoming
  1488. went
  1489. west
  1490. what
  1491. whilst
  1492. white
  1493. wing
  1494. wished
  1495. withdraw
  1496. withdrawal
  1497. withdrawn
  1498. withdrew
  1499. witnessed
  1500. won
  1501. word
  1502. workers
  1503. working
  1504. workings
  1505. works
  1506. World
  1507. worldwide
  1508. worshipping
  1509. wrested
  1510. written
  1511. yams
  1512. year
  1513. years
  1514. yet
  1515. yielded
  1516. York
  1517. Youssef
  1518. zenith
  1519. zone
  1520. zones